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Miss Collegiate 100 24-25

The Collegiate 100

Miss Collegiate 100

2024-2025 Guidelines

  • Conducting yourself as a campus queen at all times. Being a friendly and uplifting woman on campus and the community

  • Work with Mr. 100 to provide campus events and organization stability

  • Assist potential bond 19 members with information, serving as their guide and important figure

  • Bring ideas to the chapter

  • Host at least 2 campus events (1 tabletop, 1 women's dorm event)

  • Attend community service with members as much as possible

  • Share new ideas with Collegiate 100 E-board and joining E-board meetings

Mailing Address: Tennessee State University

3500 John A. Merritt Blvd.

Box 1217

Nashville, TN 37209



Collegiate 100 of Middle Tennessee

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